What is an Arborist Report?

Arborist Reports are detailed descriptions of a trees. Our arborist reports are written by an ISA Certified Arborist to determine the tree’s health. A report may recommend ways to keep a tree healthy during construction or advise the tree’s removal if necessary. Other details you’ll find in an Arborist Report include the tree’s exact size, species, location, and photos.

When do I need an Arborist Report?

Arborist Reports are required for tree permit applications Toronto.

When clients reach out to us about removing an unhealthy or nuisance tree, we’ll make a complete assessment and recommend the next steps to take. In some cases, simply pruning a tree can fix the problem.

In Toronto, large trees (wider than 30cm at chest height) can be pruned without a permit. If you have trees that could be dangerous for people or property, a good pruning might be what they need.

If your tree has died, is nearly dead, or is in infected an insect or disease, it may qualify for a permit exemption under the City of Toronto Tree bylaw. In these cases, a brief Arborist Report is sometimes required.

What is the cost of an Arborist Report?

Cardinal Tree Care employs ISA Certified Arborists who write all our reports so you can be sure that your report will meet or exceed what is city requirements. Our Arborist Reports include detailed information of your tree(s), photos, re-planting plan, and a site plan.

Our Arborist Report fees also include the completion of the application form on your behalf and submission to the municipal department. Should the city have any questions or require any clarification for your tree permit, we will correspond with city arborists and planners until a decision is reached. This correspondence is included in our fees.

Standard Arborist Reports cost $345 plus HST. These types of reports are useful for many purposes including:

  • Pruning city trees in front yards
  • Removing unwanted trees in backyards for more sunlight
  • Removing hazardous or messy trees

How long does an Arborist Report take?

An arborist report takes about a week to complete.

When submitting a permit application to the city, additional time will be required for signing applications and submission.

Our goal is to have the application package (arborist report, application form, site plan, photos, etc.) submitted to the city within two weeks.

For more information on City of Toronto tree permits, see permit applications.

To request a quote for a tree removal, arborist, or to start the permit application process, send us your contact information through our contact form here, or call us today.